Cloud-based Technology

The Rainwater Harvesting Association estimates that effective rainwater collection systems could provide for upwards of 40% of water needs in certain locales. It is time that we start making better use of this cloud-based technology.

Rain collection systems require little technical knowledge, money or time to implement and should be a staple of every home. They grant independence, increase and improve groundwater level and quality, help mitigate the effects of droughts, and reduce flooding and soil erosion. 

The evaporation process, of course, naturally purifies water. It is true that small bacteria or air borne pollution can enter as it falls back to the ground. But, so long as your rainwater is filtered and collection devices clean, you’re good to go. 

Even in dry climates, you can collect more water than you might think possible. A 1,000 square foot roof, for example, can deliver a whopping 623 gallons of water for every inch of rainfall.  

The good news is that directing this into a rain barrel is easy and cheap. Rain barrels take up little space and require little real installation. 

The downside is that they don’t hold that much water -- between 50 to 100 gallons each -- and fill up quite quickly. There are larger tank systems (cisterns) which work on similar principles, but they are more expensive and require more work to install.

To let the clouds provide you with garden water every day, try connecting your rain barrel to a home irrigation system. Filter and purify it for other domestic uses (including drinking). 

Here’s the best, quickest video we’ve found for installing a rain barrel. Putting one or more barrels around your home is more reliable than just praying for rain -- though don’t forget the prayers, too. They’ll remind you just how precious the water of life is.

Learn more on ways to save water and money with LADWP.
Learn more about the assumptions behind Magenta House water and power savings calculations.

Rain Barrel

Goal: Connect a rain barrel to your home’s gutter system.

Potential Savings*: 1,300 gallons of water/yr.

Skill level: ★★☆

The cost of a rain barrel starts at about $70 for a 50 gallon barrel and goes up from there. The EPA estimates that rain barrels on average save roughly 1,300 gallons of water/yr per home.




A Thinking Thermostat